Sunday, January 30, 2011

Milestone Onesies

Anyone who has had more than one child can probably relate the fact that the second (or third or fourth, etc) born don't seem to get as much camera time as the first.  When I had my fourth child, I decided to create onesies for each month.  I have LOVED it!  My husband was sure that I would forget, but every month, on the 9th I am dressing my little girl in her monthly onesie and snapping away.  It makes me appreciate every month.

To  make them you need:
  • Craft spray glue
  • Doilie
  • Fabric paint 
  • Brush/ Sponge
  • Cardboard 

Follow the directions on the spary adhesive to create a temporary bond.  Attach the doilie to the onesie. Stick the cardboard in between so that no paint will get on the back of the onesie.

Take your paint brush and cover the holes of the doilie.
Let it dry (be patient, the drier the better.  I know it's hard to wait , but force yourself.)  Peel off the doilie.

Now you have to decide how to write the months in.  I first used a Cricut to cut the words out of cheap shelf liner and paint them on in the same stencil manner as above.  Then I decicded to embroider them instead.  Either way works, it just creates a different look.

Now stick your cutie in them every month on their birthday anniverary and commence the photo shoot.

If you aren't feeling like making the effort to make them, you can also buy them in my Etsy shop.


  1. I think those are INCREDIBLE! What a special way to celebrate each month!!! Your little sweetheart has THE MOST precious grin at 7 months!!!!

  2. Saw you on the One Month to Win It Auditions.

    Love the onesies. Using a doily is genius!

  3. Genious idea!!! Thanks for auditioning for OMTWI!! :)


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